I can't believe I have never thought of this. We have all been there. Just needing to clean up from breakfast, make dinner, put away the laundry when one or more of your children is/are screaming/whining, grabbing your legs making it so you have "little earthlings" as I say attached to you.
This was me this morning. I decided at 730 to have playgroup at my house. I wanted to clean up the breakfast mess and fold the laundry and put it away (and I needed to get dressed and get the kids dressed out of pj's - Cora never made it out of pj's but she looked really cute with her little skirt on over her floral pj's.)
So a friend and I did a little toy swap. Cameron had played with this little ball popper thing at the Drop & Shop for probably close to an hour (I should have bought it, it was only $7, but we have a LOT of toys) and so I was telling said friend about it and she said you know what, Jenna, we have one, you should borrow it for a few months. I thought to myself, really! What a great idea, I will give you something for a couple months and when we get our respective items back the kids will be overjoyed! On Sunday, we got the toy at Cerissa's from Tara (more info on the craziness of getting 6 families together, read here. I hadn't taken it out of the car and my oh my am I glad I waited until this morning.
The kids and I had just finished eating breakfast, Cameron was very needy (for some reason and it seems like almost every morning, he just screams at some point in the morning, I think his teeth may hurt, his eye teeth are coming in and he is VERY drooly.
These are NOT very good quality pictures, but this is the evidence of the drool.
People were coming in 45 minutes, I had to get some stuff done before people set foot in my house (most importantly get out of my pj's).
Usually this would be not super easy unless I was RUSHING around like crazy, but the teething toddler pictured above was making it very difficult.
Cue new COOL toy:
Thank you Tara and Playskool for occupying my children for the whole time so I could cram clean (it felt like cramming for finals as I remember telling myself 30 minutes before the exam that I wasn't going to learn anything else and I should just rest and pray a little bit and let the information sink in.
I was half dressed when the first guests arrived and needing to fold the laundry so people could sit on my couch. I finished folding the laundry, brought it upstairs and finished getting dressed and joined the fun!
Here are some pictures of late:
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