Better late than never, right!
I remember so clearly the morning I took the pregnancy test. We lived on Summer St in a third floor apartment. Andy was getting ready for work and I used the first sample of the day. I was probably 5 weeks. We were doing natural family planning and were pretty open to getting pregnant. I took the test. I left the room and left it in there. We went in together. We both said, "whoa." Andy went to work and I don't remember the rest of the day, but I remember that morning so clearly.
I was working at A Woman's Concern in Revere and I really don't remember how long it took for me to tell anyone at work. I do remember telling my parents.
Andy and I were going to borrow my mom's car (which is sitting in my driveway now as we have inherited it) because she was going to China and therefore had no use for a car in Massachusetts.
We showed up and we talked in the kitchen. I told my dad the news. He hugged and kissed me on the forehead and said "Congratulations!" I got married pretty young and here I was 6 months later pregnant. He immediately got his cell phone to call my mom who was in California on her way to China. We had been debating between telling her before she left or after she came home so we could tell her face to face, but if we had waited she would have been the last one to find out and that would have been no good.
"WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTTT" was my dear mother's response. "You're WHHHHHHHAAAATTTTT! I am too young to be a grandmother."
She calls herself Mimi and and I am pretty sure she likes every minute with the child that made her a grandmother.
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