Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why did Jesus die on the cross 'cause? daughter asked this yesterday while she was looking through the Easter book that we have. My dad chuckled and said "your mom can answer that or you can ask your pastor."

I thought about it for a second and I said "because people did bad things and God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross."  Yes, she is 3 perhaps the better explanation would have been because He loves us as Andy said later in the day.

Later I told her that God wants to be friends with us and we had sinned/done bad things and we couldn't be friends with God without Jesus.

I have the Jesus Story Book Bible and maybe it is time to start reading it with her before her nap.


The other funny thing that happened yesterday was what she said after reading Fancy Nancy with my father.  My dad was telling Cora that my family, Mimi, Papi, Mama, and Auntie Maressa had been to France.  All of a sudden, she got very sad and started crying.  We asked her what was wrong.  She said, "I sad cause eddybody is going to Paris."  We all chuckled (Andy was home and my grandma was here too) and said oh no we WENT to Paris a LONG time ago.  Before you were born, in fact.  She was very sad for the rest of the night.


Thanks Anna for introducing us to Fancy Nancy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cora's Birth Story (Part 1)

Better late than never, right!

I remember so clearly the morning I took the pregnancy test.  We lived on Summer St in a third floor apartment.  Andy was getting ready for work and I used the first sample of the day.  I was probably 5 weeks.  We were doing natural family planning and were pretty open to getting pregnant.  I took the test.  I left the room and left it in there.  We went in together.  We both said, "whoa."  Andy went to work and I don't remember the rest of the day, but I remember that morning so clearly.

I was working at A Woman's Concern in Revere and I really don't remember how long it took for me to tell anyone at work.  I do remember telling my parents.

Andy and I were going to borrow my mom's car (which is sitting in my driveway now as we have inherited it) because she was going to China and therefore had no use for a car in Massachusetts.

We showed up and we talked in the kitchen.  I told my dad the news.  He hugged and kissed me on the forehead and said "Congratulations!"  I got married pretty young and here I was 6 months later pregnant.  He immediately got his cell phone to call my mom who was in California on her way to China.  We had been debating between telling her before she left or after she came home so we could tell her face to face, but if we had waited she would have been the last one to find out and that would have been no good.

"WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTTT" was my dear mother's response.  "You're WHHHHHHHAAAATTTTT!   I am too young to be a grandmother."

She calls herself Mimi and and I am pretty sure she likes every minute with the child that made her a grandmother.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week

So it is Holy Week.

The week before Jesus died on a cross for me.  For you.  For all of us.

I didn't give up anything for Lent.  I was "too busy."

God and I have been reinventing quiet time to be a time when it is not so quiet, but the kids are quietly watching a tv show.  Yesterday, when I was feeling so frustrated I wanted to run away, I hid in my closet and journaled.  I am so blessed to have a walk in closet now because I can make that my little prayer closet!!

In study last week, we were talking about why and if Jesus had to come.  Why did Jesus have to come?

disobedient people
sin increasing
a conditional covenant that we couldn't keep
missing out on the relationship with God
God needed to judget His people who had become so disobedient

Jesus took the judgment for us.  He became sin so that we may be forgiven.

Tim preached on the cross this Sunday.  Why the cross?  Why didn't he save himself.

He wants to be with us.  He died to bring us to God.

If that isn't the best news you have heard all day, I don't know what is.

Hillsong United - It's Your Love (Faith + Hope + Love) HQ

Here I am blogging world!

Hello everyone, 

So here I am a newborn in the blogging world.  I hope this to be a place where I can share the joys and the frustrations of family life.  

Here I am last summer (fall?) with my two wonderful children.  Having kids 19 months apart has been SO much fun and difficult as well.  They are the BEST of friends but the worst of enemies when it comes to toys, sharing and wanting attention from Mommy.

This is the hubster.  He is my college sweetheart!  This year is our fifth anniversary and we have had a busy first five!

Got married, got pregnant, had a baby, bought a house, had another baby, bought another house...and here we are.

We really don't have much in common, so we really need to work on having fun together and pursuing each other and each other's interests.  (He likes board games, history, being a homebody and Lord of the Rings. I like performing arts, shopping, and photography and am kind of crunchy.)

Sweet Cora is our 3 year old.  She is sweet, curious, loving and funny.  She is also sensitive (she bumps her knee and it is a BIG DEAL), selfish, and a Daddy's girl.  
Cameron is playful, funny, active, a little rascal and a Mama's boy.  He will be two this summer.  He is going to be a tough 2 year old, I can already tell.   Both of my children were not early talkers so he is going to get very frustrated when he can't express himself.

I went back to work for a few months last year at TD Bank.  I worked 3 full days while my mother watched the kids.  It was too much on everyone and I am back to being home full time.  I might have found a little part time gig doing errands for an older gentleman in a nursing home.  We are currently debating finding something else that could help us out financially and make it so Andy doesn't have to work a 6 day week at the end of the month when we haven't made enough.